Registration & Subs

At CSR-NANOK we use a danish platform called Holdsport to registre and charge memberships.

To join our club the registration form from Holdsport is filled out using the links below.

HOLDSPORT SENIOR MENS TEAM — XV playing in the first division in Denmark.
HOLDSPORT SENIOR WOMENS TEAM — 7s rugby. Playing 7 series througout the year.
HOLDSPORT YOUTH — A mix of XV and sevens rugby, also played as a series throughout the year.
U8 U10 U12 U14 U16 U18
HOLDSPORT OLDBOYS — Oldboys rugby. Playing at least one sevens tournament a year.
HOLDSPORT SUPPORT — This is a membership for supporters who want to join the CSR family.

For youth, a copy of the health insurance certificate is also submitted for registration in the Danish Rugby Union. In order to obtain a senior license, you must have accident insurance.

Fee is paid every quarter as per below.

Membership type Senior men / women Youth and students Semi active / Oldboys Supporting member Youth support
Subscription 500 kr 400 kr 600 kr 600 kr 50 kr
Paid into account nr. 4085 2662396 January, April, July & October January, April, July & October January & July January January
Total per year 2000 kr 1600 kr 1200 kr 600 kr 50 kr